Are you really spreading life?

Did you know that the palm branch represents peace and eternal life? If you have already gone to mass today you might have been given a palm branch. During the gospel, you would have heard the story of the Crucifixion starting from the Last Supper. We get to participate in the reading of the gospel …

Press On

While we were in Gozo as a family, we decided to walk many miles into the unknown to discover new places. We were following the blue and white lined road and there were a few times when we couldn't find the colour indication and got lost, going down other roads instead. So much in fact, …

God Used Him: Gabriel

Coming back from Poland where we had loads of time altogether as a  group: praising God, sightseeing, singing, rollerblading, playing Werewolf, eating and praying, Malta brought us all to a sudden sense of silence. We were no longer all surrounded by each other 24/7, we no longer felt safe, in a way, sharing the same values and faith and we …